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Barbershop is popular around the world and many countries have their own barbershop organizations, many of which preserve the art form and promote traditional barbershop singing.

This page lists Barbershop organizations from around the world. All links have been verified and will be re-verified periodically.

If you know of other organizations that should be included in the list, please contact me via the Contact Us page.

This page provides contact information for 17 organizations from around the world. You can jump down the list by selecting the first letter of the name.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
Organization:Barbershop Harmony Society
Web Site:https://www.barbershop.org/
Description:The Barbershop Harmony Society, legally and historically named the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA), is the first of several organizations to promote and preserve barbershop music as an art form. Founded by Owen C. Cash in 1938, the organization quickly grew, promoting barbershop harmony among men of all ages. As of 2007, just under 30,000 men in the United States and Canada are members of this organization whose focus is on a cappella music.
Organization:Barbershop in Germany!
Web Site:https://www.barbershop.de/
Organization:Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
Web Site:https://bqpa.com/
Description:The Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association (BQPA) is an international group of individuals dedicated to the preservation and performance of traditional barbershop quartet singing following arrangement and lyric guidance set forth in our Style Definition. The BQPA encourages local associations of singers and chapters to concentrate on developing quartets that choose to sing the "old Songs" reminiscent of the music of earlier years. Our style definition describes barbershop quartet harmony as it was performed in the early days of the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. and is worthy of preservation.
Organization:British Association of Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.singbarbershop.com/
Description:The British Association of Barbershop Singers is a registered charity, whose aim is to promote the education of people of any age in the enjoyment of Harmony Singing in the Barbershop Style.
Organization:Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.fabs.fi/
Organization:Harmony, Incorporated
Web Site:https://www.harmonyinc.org/
Description:Harmony, Inc. is an international, non-profit organization whose purpose is to empower all women through education, friendship and a cappella singing in the barbershop style. Since 1959, the organization has expanded from its Eastern roots to include chapters in the United States and Canada from California to Newfoundland, and from Alaska to Florida.
Organization:Holland Harmony
Web Site:https://www.hollandharmony.nl/
Description:HOLLAND HARMONY, is the organization for male and female barbershop singers in The Netherlands, founded in 1981. Members of this organization are men and ladies choruses, men and ladies quartets, as well as mixed quartets. Holland Harmony is the largest organisation for barbershop in the Netherlands.
Organization:Irish Association of Barbershop Singers
Web Site:http://www.irishbarbershop.com/
Description:The Irish Association of Barbershop Singers was founded in Birr County Offaly in 1988 and the first Irish Barbershop Convention was held in the Marian Hall in Birr in 1989. Since then a dedicated and growing number of Barbershop enthusiasts have ensured the growing popularity of this very distinctive singing style.
Organization:Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.labbs.org.uk/
Description:LABBS is one of three barbershop singing organisations in the United Kingdom. Since 1976 it has grown to have 50 clubs up, down and across the country from Cornwall to Scotland, and around 2000 members. Choruses range in size from large to small and are made up of women of all ages.
Organization:Ladies Association of Dutch Barbershop Singers
Abbreviation:Holland Harmony
Web Site:http://hollandharmony.dse.nl/
Organization:Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association
Web Site:Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association
Description:The Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association (MBHA) is a 501(c)3, non-profit charitable organization serving the needs of mixed barbershop harmony in North America. Established in 2014, its leadership comprises men and women with vast experience and participation in the barbershop style and performing in the mixed barbershop harmony genre. The MBHA is an affiliate of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Organization:New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.barbershopharmony.nz/
Description:The New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singers was established in the early eighties but did not function as an association until the Harbour Capital Chorus was formed in Wellington in February 1988 followed by the Canterbury Plainsmen, based in Christchurch, in 1989. During this period the number of quartets continued to grow and in 1989 the inaugural NZABS Convention was held in Wellington for quartet competitions only. Since that time, other chapters have been established in Hamilton, Tauranga, Napier, Palmerston North, Blenheim, Nelson, New Plymouth, Dunedin and Invercargill.
Organization:Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.sabs.es/cm2/
Description:The Association was inaugurated in October 2008 after two brothers visited their first-ever Harmony College in Coesfeld, Germany, SABS has become a reality because of their tenacity, enthusiasm and determination. As a young association, we are still spreading the barbershop word and building our membership, which currently stands at almost 200, comprising men's, women's and mixed groups from all around Spain.
Organization:Sweet Adelines International
Web Site:https://sweetadelines.com/
Description:Sweet Adelines International is a highly respected worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. This independent, nonprofit music education association is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women. Members extend over five continents and belong to more than 500 choruses and 1,200 quartets. The first meeting was held on July 13th, 1945 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Their Young Women in Harmony program offers music educators a means of including the study and performance of barbershop harmony in school music programs. The aim is to provide materials, training and performance opportunities for young women and to foster appreciation for the American musical art form of barbershop harmony. Various regions or choruses within Sweet Adelines organize festivals and school presentations each year.
Organization:The Australian Association of Men Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.barbershop.org.au/
Description:The Australian Barbershop community is vibrant collection of male singers from all over Australia, who gather together to sing tight, exciting four-part harmonies in quartets and in choruses. There are choruses and quartets in every major city and town across Australia, and our numbers are growing daily. AAMBS is the association to which these men belong.
Organization:The Contemporary A Cappella Society
Web Site:http://www.casa.org/
Description:CASA was formed to create a community between singers and fans of contemporary a cappella. "contemporary a cappella" is a moniker used to describe the idiom of popular a cappella (voices only - no instruments) that arose during the mid-late 1980s, and now spans a wide variety of styles including rock, pop, r&b, hip-hop, country, jazz, etc.
Organization:The Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers
Web Site:https://www.facebook.com/snobs.bbs/
Description:The Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers is a Nordic organization whose purpose is to spread, develop and preserve the barbershop music style within choruses and quartets. SNOBS annually organizes a convention including contests for choruses and quartets.

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